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来源:2exam.com 2013-5-20 15:15:56



Can boy spy save UK?
    HOW much does it take to change from a schoolboy into a super spy? It sounds very difficult. But smart 14-year-old British boy Alex Rider can take on just about anything.
    Follow the heart-stopping story of this teenage spy in the UK film "Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker (《风暴突击者》)". It opened in theatres in many countries on October 14.
    Alex, an orphan, has a normal life with his uncle Ian Rider. Ian seems like a boring bank manager. He also trains Alex well in martial arts (武术), languages, diving and extreme sports. Until Ian dies, Alex doesn't know that his uncle was a secret spy for England.
    His uncle prepared him well to be a top spy. Soon it's his turn to work as a spy!
    His first job is to see what billionaire (亿万富翁) Darius Sayle is doing. Sayle has made super computers called Stormbreakers. He's giving them free to every child in the country. Alex goes undercover (卧底) at Sayle's place and secretly tests out the Stormbreakers. He finds out the computers have a virus in them.
    Alex almost dies finding out what Sayle is trying to do. But he escapes at the last minute. Now he has to stop Sayle's plans to kill thousands of children across Britain.
    Can he succeed, or will his first job also be his last one? You have to watch the film to find out.

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